I so get that--sometimes the busy-ness of life just sucks the pleasure out of slowing down and enjoying chopping onions (my personal check out time at the end of a long day.) Trying out new recipes is a luxury that can revive the enthusiasm around feeding ourselves well. Especially right now, when creating our own comfort is important!

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Fantastic--I think you'll like it. You're fortunate to live in a more temperate climate, so you can get foraged wild mushrooms much earlier than I will. Happy cooking!

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This story makes me miss my former colleague, Andrea. She and her husband used to have a mushroom CSA near Stillwater. Every week we received a new variety and a few regulars. Figuring out what to do with those strange looking items tucked in brown bags renewed my interest in cooking!

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I can't wait to try that recipe. I will get some wild rice and local mushrooms from our farmer's market!

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